Review Manhwa – Existence


The supernatural-genre manhwa series revolves around an immortal existence that spans across ages. At first glance, the motif might seem typical, but the comic delves into philosophical elements, prompting readers to contemplate on “Humanity.” Let’s delve into this series!

  1. Info
  • Title:  Existence
  • Other titles: Jonjae; 존재
  • Author: Kwang jin (광진), Kim Kyeong-jun (김경준)
  • Genre:  Action, Drama, Super Power, Supernatural, Fantasy
  • Status: Completed

  1. Plot

Millions of years ago, when Earth witnessed the emergence of the very first life forms, there existed an entity that lived through countless lives, reincarnating into various creatures in each one. Initially, it was a primitive cell, then a dinosaur, followed by an ant, and so on. Time passes by, that immortal existence has experienced the entirety of Earth’s living beings since primordial times.

With each cycle of life and death, it gradually gained consciousness and finally reincarnated as a “human” – the species it found the most perplexing, the one to blame for the devastation of the environment. In this last incarnation, it becomes the child of a single mother and is given the name for the first time as Jain Lee – the protagonist of the story.


Jain, in this human life, possesses the abilities of the previous creatures it had been: the strength of dinosaurs, the regenerative abilities of jellyfish, the speed of a cheetah, and more. With his extraordinary abilities, he becomes a target for humans who consider him a monster needing to be destroyed, dissected, and researched. This leads to his mother’s death, the first person ever to give him affection after many lifetimes. After she passes away, Jain gradually becomes aware of his existence and the purpose of his powers:  “to destroy humanity“.



He decides to heed his mother’s words and continues to live. After 30 years of training, Jain’s capabilities seem limitless. He awakens the ability to communicate with all living beings and even nature itself – the earth, water, rocks, etc. At this point, Jain possesses supreme power, becoming the embodiment of Mother Nature. He can trigger catastrophic earthquakes that split the Earth apart, tremoring and sunkening all six continents. It’s time for him to execute his destructive plan. Will Jain understand and grant humanity another chance at life, or will this be the end for all?



  1. Review

The story unfolds with a unique motif rarely seen in manhwa. The main character is an eternal existence whose ultimate goal is the demise of humanity. This original idea makes him sound like an antagonist, the enemy of mankind from the outset. The intriguing dynamics provide readers with a new perspective, promising a gripping storyline development.


The character development of Jain is excellently executed, offering readers a spectrum of emotions, primarily excitement and sorrow. Before his reincarnation as a human, he experienced various animal lives, thus understanding the cruelty of humanity towards nature. Through this, readers gain a realistic insight into “Humanity,” prompting deep philosophical thoughts from the hunted creatures’ viewpoint. Readers can derive meaningful messages by seeing through the dark side of society. The series does not merely focus on physical combat like typical musclebrain but incorporates humane elements.


Later on, another destroyer similar to Jain will emerge, serving as the real antagonist of the story. The ideological opposition between these two supreme beings regarding humanity will fascinate readers. I guarantee it is an engaging and profoundly meaningful series, always delving into the core plot to convey valuable lessons to its readers. Dive into the comic and experience these philosophical insights for yourself!!

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